Mamou Mardi Gras, Feb, 5, 2008
The LSUE photos in the top section of this page were taken at one
stop right after lunch. The horse acrobatics performed by the Mardi Gras
included both chickens and beer cans.
Further down the page are photos taken by Robert LeBlanc, a fiddler
on the music wagon. His shots provide a unique perspective, especially
the view from the wagon of the Mardi Gras going down 6th Street in Mamou
at the end of the run and of the street dance under the stop light.
The photos in this section were taken by Robert LeBlanc, a fiddler on
the music wagon. He provided a photo taken at his home and he is seen in
the next shot on the wagon. The view from the wagon as it heads behind
the Mardi Gras riders down 6th Street in Mamou is something to behold.
The first photo in the third row show Iraq veteran Chad Manuel climbing
a flag pole.